Instant Pot accessories

Why Do You Need Instant Pot Accessories?
We all love instant pots, since they save a lot of our precious time by cooking our food faster than traditional cookware. Moreover, they allow us to enjoy healthier food by preserving nutrients better compared with standard pots and pans. How do they manage to deal with the challenges? This is simple – instant pots reliably lock the steam generated during the heating of water, and allow the created pressure to add to the temperature, rising it over 100°C. Due to this fact, your instant pot cooks your food faster, thus contributing to the preservation of useful nutrients otherwise destroyed under longer-term heating. Besides, the pressurized design of pressure cookers eliminates the oxidation and destruction of nutrients under the contact with oxygen, which also helps in their preservation.
Well, is there any other way to make our food even healthier? In fact, there is, and this leads us to instant pot accessories, widely available on the today’s market.
How Can Pressure Cooker Accessories Contribute to a Healthy Diet?
There is a verity of hot pot accessories, which are intended to allow steaming – you just need to place the utensil into your pot and then use it as you usually do. So what is so unusual? Actually, the design of these cooking pot accessories provides for cooking without dipping your foods into water. They are cooked exclusively under the temperature of steam, and since there is no contact with water, there is also no boiling, as well as there are no nutrients destroyed under that boiling.
And this is really great for those people, who want to get the most out of their food. Do you want some facts to prove the advantage of steaming? Do you know that the content of folic acid and vitamin C in products is reduced by 15% when the products are steamed, while it is reduced by 35% and 25% respectively, when they are boiled? That’s just it!
Besides, when your foods are boiled, they tend to lose their color and shape, while electric pressure cooker accessories help retain the initial look and smell of your foods. Moreover, when the substances contained in the foods don’t go into water, they make the taste of your meals more natural and distinctive. Have you ever noticed that your meals are tasteless, when overboiled? This can hardly happen with steamed food.
What Steam Stock Pot Accessories May You Need?
As stated before, modern market offers quite a choice of accessories, including instant pot stands and trivets of various designs, as well as multiple options of silicon or stainless steel strainers. The main difference is that stands and trivets provide some kind of flat surface, suitable for steaming of foods that come in comparatively large pieces and slices, while strainers are usually more versatile as they have the form of baskets with multiple holes – there are few chances that products will fall into the water through small holes. Besides, you can use such an instapot accessory as a colander to rinse your food and to drain water.
So, your choice depends on foods you are going to cook. The baskets are perfect for veggies, while you may find it more convenient to cook steamed meat on stands. There are even special egg racks with openings shaped to reliably hold the products. However, we would recommend you to choose a versatile design, which will allow for more freedom in coking without getting your kitchen stuffed with excessive utensils.
Also, pay attention to sizes – it is not very smart to purchase 6qt instant pot accessories, when having 3qt instant pot. It is better to choose an accessory that suits the size of most of your pots, since you can get steamed food in your usual cookware with lids. When the sizes match, you can use your boiling pot accessories with other kitchen appliances.